snapADDY GmbH Apps

CardScanner 5.4.3
snapADDY GmbH
The snapADDY CardScanner is the free business card scanner with theworld's best recognition quality for smartphone and tablet! ThesnapADDY CardScanner is your productive assistant for mobilecapturing of business cards. All you have to do is to take apicture of the business card with the app, the contact data will berecognized, automatically digitized and formatted as a contact byour algorithm using artificial intelligence. For contact andaddress formats from over 50 countries, the recognition has beenperfected to reduce the error rate to a minimum. These include allG20 countries, the most important industrial and emergingcountries. Currently supported character sets: - Latin characters,including umlauts and special characters of many languages -Cyrillic characters (Russia, Ukraine and Belarus) - Chinesecharacters (traditional and simplified) - Japanese characters -Korean characters Data protection is a top priority at snapADDY. Asa German company we guarantee the DSGVO-compliant processing ofyour data. Already more than 1,300 companies of all sizes trust thequality of snapADDY CardScanner! FREE STANDARD VERSION The standardversion of snapADDY CardScanner is free, ad-free and usable withoutan account. It contains the following features: ** Export to yoursmartphone contacts ** All information captured by snapADDYCardScanner including notes and profile picture can be saved toyour contacts. So you always have your collected business cards athand in your smartphone. ** Addition of additional information **Scan the back of business cards to store the information theycontain and create additional notes about your contact. ** Simplebatch processing ** With the help of the integrated batchprocessing, you can process a large number of business cards in avery short time - completely without typing! UPGRADE TO THECARDSCANNER CRM Through our website, you can get theCRM version of snapADDY CardScanner for only $5 per month with thefollowing additional features: ** CRM export ** You can also exportyour recorded contact data of the business cards directly to one ofthe following CRM systems: Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, SAPC/4HANA, Pipedrive and SugarCRM. ** Duplicate check ** Using theintegrated duplicate check with your CRM system, you can seedirectly whether a recorded lead, contact or organisation alreadyexists. When exporting, the duplicate data from your system isdisplayed and you can check it for changes. ** Saving in Excelformat ** For fast and universal processing of new contacts outsideof your CRM system, saving them in Microsoft Excel file format hasproven to be very useful. You have the choice of exporting only oneor several contacts. ** Capturing attachments ** Add any number ofimage files, sketches or drawings as attachments to your newcontact and export them later with the contact data to your desireddestination.
VisitReport 2.6.4
snapADDY GmbH
With snapADDY VisitReport you can get started at trade fairs andinthe field – without pen and paper! Thanks to the VisitReportapp,you always have your individually designed questionnaire athandand digitally on your tablet or smartphone. After thecustomermeeting you can export it quickly and easily to your CRMsystem.This way, neither time nor valuable information is lost.Inaddition, all customer information is stored centrally where itisbest kept: In your CRM system. The complicated intermediate stepofmanual data transfer and preparation is completely eliminated.Yourcolleagues in the office can directly take over and processthecustomer operation. snapADDY VisitReport brings the digitalcaptureof leads and visit reports to a new level. MANY SMARTFUNCTIONS •Branding of the app in your corporate design • Automatedcontactregistration with integrated business card scanner •Coordinationof the staff at the exhibition stand • Dynamicquestionnairestructure in any number of languages • Use in offlinemode •Automatic sending of follow-up e-mails • Analysis andreportingfunctions • Available in five operating languagesSUPPORTED CRMSYSTEMS • Salesforce • Microsoft Dynamics • SAPC/4HANA • Sugar CRM• Pipedrive • Suite CRM • Sage CRM • Hubspot WHYSNAPADDYVISITREPORT? • All information about the customer meetingiscentrally summarised • No manual preparation and transferaftertrade fair or customer visit necessary • Direct connection toyourCRM system enables immediate follow-up • Individual brandingleavesa positive impression on the customer A one-time registrationonour website is required to use the app. Youhavethe opportunity to test snapADDY VisitReport for 14 days freeofcharge and without obligation before you decide on one of ourpaidlicence models. If you have any questions or suggestionsregardingVisitReport, please contact us directly [email protected]. Wecan respond to your e-mail faster and moreconcretely than to acomment in the Google Play Store. Does snapADDYVisitReport makeyour everyday work or trade fair life easier?Please recommend usto others. We are looking forward to yourevaluation!